Product Categories
Nesa System
Kaprotex Insulation Products
The use of vapor stabilizer and vapor barrier products on the roof provides various important benefits by keeping the moisture level within the structure under control:
- It provides humidity control and balances the humidity within the structure.
- It prevents damage to building materials caused by moisture, thus increasing the durability of structures.
- Increases energy efficiency by saving heating and cooling costs.
- Increases indoor comfort and improves indoor air quality.
- It provides humidity control and balances the humidity within the structure.
- It prevents damage to building materials caused by moisture, thus increasing the durability of structures.
- Increases energy efficiency by saving heating and cooling costs.
- Increases indoor comfort and improves indoor air quality.

Nesa System
Kaprotex Insulation Products
Insulation products not only provide energy savings, but also contribute to sustainable building designs by reducing environmental impacts. Factors such as building type, climatic conditions and intended use should be taken into consideration when selecting insulation materials.

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Insulation Systems
Insulation covers, which provide vapor balance and vapor barrier, help keep the humidity inside the buildings under control while also protecting them from the harmful effects of outside humidity. These covers are generally made of materials with low water vapor permeability, such as polyethylene, polypropylene or polyurethane. These prevent unwanted moisture accumulation within the structure by controlling the passage of moisture between building materials.

Nesa Sistem offers innovative solutions for insulation in the construction sector.
Nesa Sistem is both the distributor and sales of insulation and construction films used for insulation in the construction sector. It offers innovative solutions in Roof and Facade Covers, Wet Area Textile Membranes and Waterproofing Tapes under Kaprotex brand.
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NESA System General Manager Kani Akkuş
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